Arizona Will Expand its Medicaid Program

This was really unexpected! The Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, has announced that the state of Arizona will be expanding its Medicaid program. The federal funding that comes with the decision appears to be a primary motivating factor. If the Arizona Congress passes this initiative, it would greatly benefit the citizens of Arizona. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, a Republican, has a track record of opposing the Affordable Care Act. She decided that Arizona would have a federally run health insurance exchange, something seen by many other Republicans as “opting out” of participation in the Affordable Care Act. Arizona was also … Continue reading

Affordable Care Act Benefits that Began in 2012

Without a doubt, the most talked about, most controversial, biggest health insurance law is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It is often referred to as the Affordable Care Act. Some people call it Obamacare. 2012 was a big year for the ACA. Here’s a quick review of some of the highlights. On June 28, 2012, the United States Supreme Court revealed its decision about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The Justices decided 5 to 4 that the Affordable Care Act would stand and would continue. In other words, it was declared to be constitutional. It was … Continue reading

Iowa Will Have a State-Federal Partnership Exchange

Part of the Affordable Care Act requires that all states have a health insurance exchange. The deadline for states that wanted to have a state-based exchange has passed. The Governor of Iowa, Terry Branstad, has declared that Iowa will pursue a state-federal partnership health insurance exchange. Every state is required to have a health insurance exchange. In 2014, individuals and small businesses will use the exchange to find affordable health insurance. There were three potential options for the way that a state’s health insurance exchange could be. One option was to create a state-based exchange. The deadline for that option … Continue reading

Idaho Chooses a State-Based Insurance Exchange

Yet another state has selected to have a state-based health insurance exchange. Surprisingly, the state is Idaho, which has a Republican governor and was among the states that sued to overturn the Affordable Care Act. Idaho’s plans for the state-based exchange have yet to be approved. The relationship between the Affordable Care Act and the state of Idaho has been contentious. Idaho was among the 26 states that were plaintiffs in the case heard by the Supreme Court in March of 2012 regarding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. The governor of Idaho is Butch Otter. He is a … Continue reading

The Affordable Care Act is Here to Stay

President Obama has been elected to a second term, and the Affordable Care Act is here to stay. This is wonderful news for all Americans! The ACA has already provided benefits that many families have experienced. Those will continue, and more are coming up between now and 2014. The Affordable Care Act was signed in 2010. The Supreme Court ruled, in June of 2012, that the Affordable Care Act will stand and will continue. As you are probably aware, the Republican party platform for the 2012 election emphasized their interest in repealing the Affordable Care Act. President Obama won the … Continue reading

Kentucky Will Create a Health Insurance Exchange

Some states have been working on setting up a health insurance exchange for quite some time. Other states have flat out refused to create one. The state of Kentucky will make a state health insurance exchange. Governor Steve Beshear issued an executive order to establish one. In July of this year, the Supreme Court decided that the Affordable Care Act was constitutional. This means that states will need to create a health insurance exchange, and must have that exchange approved by the federal government, and operational, in 2014. States that choose not to create their own exchange will have one … Continue reading

Crawling Out of the Woodwork?

One of the things that the health insurance exchanges will do is inform people if they are eligible for Medicaid. Officials in some states are concerned that this awareness will result in people “crawling out of the woodwork” and flooding the Medicaid program. This viewpoint is disturbing in many ways. The Supreme Court ruled that the Affordable Care Act was constitutional, and would stand. The Justices also made a ruling regarding Medicaid. They decided that it was acceptable for Congress to offer a state funding that would be used by the state to expand its Medicaid program. If the state … Continue reading

Is it a Tax, or is it a Penalty?

Republican candidate for President, Mitt Romney, now says that the individual mandate requirement is a tax. However, he has previously stated that the exact same thing, when enacted in Massachusetts, was a penalty. Is it a tax, or isn’t it? According to the Supreme Court, the individual mandate is a tax. The individual mandate is the most controversial part of the Affordable Care Act. In short, it requires Americans to have health insurance coverage is 2014. Those who cannot afford coverage will receive a credit in order to be able to buy health insurance. Those who choose not to buy … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week in Review – June 24 – 30, 2012

Once a week, the Insurance Blog Week in Review brings you a fast way to “ketchup” on all the blogs that were posted here in the past seven days. There can be anywhere between twelve and fourteen blogs that appear. What did you miss? A Brief Comparison of Health Care Plans Obama’s plan includes coverage for adults and children who have a pre-existing condition. Romney’s plan includes coverage for people who have a pre-existing condition – but only if they have had continuous health insurance coverage. The Insurance Podcast Roundup went up on June 25, 2012. This week, I’d like … Continue reading

ACA Decision is Great News for Parents!

The Supreme Court has officially decided that the Affordable Care Act will stand. This is great news for parents of kids who have the types of special needs that require a lot of expensive medical care. Insurance companies can’t refuse to cover your child because of a pre-existing condition. The Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Obama in March of 2010. Today, June 28, 2012, the Supreme Court made its historic decision about the Affordable Care Act. The short version of the decision is that the Affordable Care Act will stand. The protections already provided by it … Continue reading